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PSP Homebrew


ISO Tool v1.980
Mario Kart PSP V2.1 Beta 1

PSP DiGi CoMix Reader

Easy 6.20 Installer v1.3 Released

Netfront Internet Browser v6 Released

PSPInstaller 7 Released

How to Downgrade PSP FW 6.38 to 6.XX

6.20 TN-E Permanent Patch *Update: v2*

Easy 6.20 DualBoot – Choose which firmware boot

PSPident 0.74.1 released!

PMPlayer Advance (PPA) 3.15

PMPlayer Advance v3.1.5

PSPInstaller v5.30

How to Install 6.20/6.35 PRO-B4 ☺

CTorrent-DNH-PSP-DA v1.5

XManager Beta

Seplugins Manger

6.20 TN-D permanent patch

PSPInstaller v4

PSPdisp v0.6

PMPlayer Advance (PPA) 3.1.3

How to install Prometheus Iso Loader

JPCSP v0.6 r1975 32/64bit

PMPlayer Advance- CooleyesBridge

PSP Module Checker v1.0

Signed Working PSP Homebrew

Recovery Flasher v1.65

Signed psp Homebrew Example

PSPident v0.70



Recovery Menu TU v0.1

6.31 and 6.35 Homebrew Enabler for PSP

OpenIdea ISO Loader v0.2beta 3 Released

Open Idea ISO Loader Released

ISO Tool v1.956

Prometheus ISO Loader for 6.20 TN-A (HEN)

DaedalusX64 for 6.20 TN-A

DaedalusX64 Alpha Rev 611

Mobile Assault v1.5

PSP (DOOM) Legacy Third Release

Bookr Mod v9.0
SMS Plus PSP v1.3.1

PMPlayer Advance v3.1.2 Released

PSP Filer v6.2

PSP PReSS v0.41

PMPlayer Advance v3.1.2 Released

PSP Html Book Maker v1.0

TempAR v1.2 (Updated)

Mobile Assault 1.2 (3D helicopter)

D2-D3 Switcher

M33-Prometheus Installer v2.0 *Updated*

pspHBSortTool v2.2.1 Released – Sort Your PSPHomebrew

Cube3D — PSP 3D Homebrew Demo Released (Homebrew)

Game Music Gear MX v1.4 Released (Homebrew)

PSPMaps v1.4 (Homebrew)

Get_T (Homebrew)

PSPDictionary v2.1.0 (Homebrew)


Xplora v1.8 (Homebrew)

PSP Filer (Homebrew)

IR-Shell 3.9 and 4.9 (Homebrew)

UtimatePSPtube 2.0 (Homebrew)

How To Install Opera mini 5 on psp: and download files

Audio / Video Apps

Audio & Video apps for the PSP -- PSPRadio, PSP Rhythm, PiMPStreamer, etc...

Shell Replacements

Shell replacements running on-top of the PSP's XMB, including the popular iR Shell

Web Apps

Web apps utilizing the PSP's web browser

PSP Plug-ins / PRX Modules

A large selection of PSP plugins for custom firmwares.


PSP Emulators -- NesterJ (NES), SNES, MAME, ScummVM, SEGA -- just about everything you can imagine

Misc. Apps & Tools

A wide variety of miscellaneous homebrew apps for the PSP.


PSP homebrew games -- DOOM, Deal or No Deal, Bomberman, Snake, Sudoku, and much more

Examples / Demonstrations

PSP Homebrew Examples & Demonstrations

Source Code

Source code for various PSP homebrew apps & games

Development Tools

PSP Development Tools -- learn to develop software for the PSP.

PSP Genesis Competition Entries
(689.85MB - 2,126 downloads)

All PSP Genesis Homebrew Entries

Homebrew Idol 3: Final Entries
(103.50MB - 5,112 downloads)

Homebrew Idol 3: The Homebrew Horror Show Entries

Homebrew Idol 2: Final Entries
(78.28MB - 7,529 downloads)

Homebrew Idol 2 Entries

Homebrew Idol: Final Entries
(68.49MB - 26,967 downloads)

PSP-Hacks' Homebrew Idol Entrie


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