Articles in the WINDOWS VISTA HACKS Category
How to Install Windows 7 From a USB Drive

Installing Windows from a USB flash drive has several advantages – First of all, the overall speed of the installation process will increase significantly, carrying a USB stick is much more convenient than a DVD, and …
How to Create Your Own Customized Run Commands

The Run command on Microsoft Windows operating system allows you to directly open an application or document with just a single command instead of navigating to it’s location and double-clicking the executable icon. However, it …
How to Alter Windows Product ID

If you are running a Microsoft Windows operating system on your computer, then you are most likely aware of the fact that your PC will have a Product ID. This Product ID is a system specific …
How to Hack Windows Administrator Password

This hack will show you how to reset Windows administrator password (for Win 2000, XP, Vista and Win 7) at times when you forget it or when you want to gain access to a computer …
How to Make Invisible Password Protected Folder

Do you want to password protect your folder? Do you want to make it invisible so that it remains unnoticed by the normal users? Well here is a way to do that. In this post I …
Display Legal Notice on Startup of your Windows

If your PC has multiple users then you can now display legal notice to every user before they login to your PC. This legal notice will be displayed at every startup just before the Desktop …
A Virus Program to Disable USB Ports

In this post I will show how to create a simple virus that disables/blocks the USB ports on the computer (PC). As usual I use my favorite C programming language to create this virus. Anyone with …
How to Make a Trojan Horse

Most of you may be curious to know about how to make a Trojan or Virus on your own. Here is an answer for your curiosity. In this post I’ll show you how to make a simple …
How to Sniff Passwords Using USB Drive

As we all know, Windows stores most of the passwords which are used on a daily basis, including instant messenger passwords such as MSN, Yahoo, AOL, Windows messenger etc. Along with these, Windows also stores passwords …
Hack Software and Run the Trial Program Forever

In this post I’ll show you how to hack a Software and run the trial program forever. Most of us are familiar with many softwares that run only for a specified period of time in …
How to Completely Erase a Hard Disk Drive

A new year has begun and perhaps you have decided to perform a system upgrade or get rid of your old computer system and purchase a new one. But before you sell or donate your old computer, it …
A Virus Program to Block Websites

Most of us are familiar with the virus that used to block Orkut and Youtube site. If you are curious about creating such a virus on your own, here is how it can be done. As …
How to Change the ICON of an EXE file

Some times it becomes necessary to change the ICON of an executable (.exe) file so that the exe file get’s a new appearence. Many of the Tools such as TuneUP Winstyler does this job by adjusting …
Hack/Alter Windows Vista Base Score

If you are a Windows Vista user then you are very likely to be familiar with the Base Score. This score is calculated based on the computer’s hardware and software configuration. This score act’s as …
How to Enable Telnet Command in Vista

Most of you are familiar with the telnet command. It is one of the well known Windows IP Utilities. In fact the telnet command is most important for sending a fake email which i have …
Run Program at Startup Only Once

This hack allows you to run a program at startup only once. This hack also avoids the need of startup folder and the autorun is configured in the registry itself. In this hack the specified …
How to Change IE Title Bar Text

This hack allows you to change the text on the Internet Explorer title bar. The default text or title is “Windows Internet Explorer”. You can change this title text to your own choice.
1. Goto Run …
1. Goto Run …
How to Edit Start Menu ?

Windows has a nice new Start menu, which you can customize more thoroughly than you could with the Start menu in any earlier version of Windows. Open the Taskbar And Start Menu Properties dialog box …
Windows IP Utilities

The following are the IP utilities available in Windows that help in finding out the information about IP Hosts and domains. These are the basic IP Hacking Commands that everyone must know!
Please note that the …
Please note that the …
How to Change User Information in Windows

On a regular basis, people ask me questions about changing user information, the information you provided when you installed Windows. You can change it. Here is a step-by-step instruction.
1. Open the Registry Editor (Type regedit …
1. Open the Registry Editor (Type regedit …
How to Create a CON folder in Windows?

Can you create a folder named “con”, “prn”, “nul” “com1″ “com2″ “lpt1″ etc. in windows ?
The answer is NO and YES!
NO because when create a new folder and try to rename it to any one …
The answer is NO and YES!
NO because when create a new folder and try to rename it to any one …
Forgot Windows XP Password ?

Yes it is possible to change Adminstrator password both in Win XP and Vista without knowing it. If you somehow manage to login as an Administrator then you can change the password without knowing it.
Here’s …
Here’s …
How to Block a Website ?

Some times it becomes necessary to block a website on our Computers for one or other reason. You can easily and effectivily block access to a website by adding it to your Windows HOSTS file. …
Get Rid of the Recycle Bin on your Desktop

Here is a way to remove the recycle bin from your desktop. This trick help’s people who want to get rid of the recycle bin on the desktop.
1. Goto start, Run, Type “gpedit.msc” (Type without …
1. Goto start, Run, Type “gpedit.msc” (Type without …
Modifying the Vista Operating System Boot

You can use several different tricks to shave a few more seconds off the boot time. For example, you can reduce Timeout values and slim down the system to get rid of all the extra …
Activating the hidden Boot Screen in Vista

Customizing the Boot Screen
Every time I turn on my computer, I am forced to stare at the boring Windows boot screen. I must admit that I found the moving bars amusing at first, but after …
Every time I turn on my computer, I am forced to stare at the boring Windows boot screen. I must admit that I found the moving bars amusing at first, but after …
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