MB Notifications for Facebook 1.7.4 Apk | 333 KB | Mediafire / Multiupload
Requires Android:1.6 and up
Facebook Notifications for your Android device! why would you have to check for updates yourself when you could get automatically notified whenever a notification from your Facebook account arrives, just as iPhone users do?
v1.7.4 update:
- Added option to choose between default and Gingerbread icons in status bar;
- Added privacy mode for both status bar and popup;
- Added 3rd app redirect to widget as well;
- Added option to autoremove notifications once read;
- Fixed occasional crash at startup;
- Fixed occasional problem with authorization
I decided to solve this issue for my own convenience, and so this is where this app chimes in: a lightweight and fast application to get notifications from Facebook, what you decide, at the interval you decide and reported as you decide. Nothing else, just as plain and simple as effective! Decide how to view the notifications:
* open it in the official Facebook app, if installed;
* open it in FriendCaster (either Free or Pro) if installed;
* open it in Seesmic, if installed;
* open it in the browser (either full view, Touch or WAP version);
* or just open any other app you have installed (just opening the main activity of app, no custom behaviour)
The service can be started automatically at boot if you want, and a 1x1 widget is provided as well to explicitly request new notifications should you want to. A 4x1 widget is also available to show counters of unread notifications. (NOTE: the widgets will NOT work if you move the app to SD). Notifications can be received in the notifications bar and as popup dialogs (by also unlocking and/or waking the screen, if necessary). Details on all the required permissions are at the end of this page.
IMPORTANT: the app only gets NEW and UNREAD notifications, meaning it won't download, for example, all the notifications you already saw before launching the app or between refreshes.
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