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Download Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4 Free PDF eBook


Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4 Cover
Author(s): Dino Esposito
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Date : 2011
Pages : 993
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0735643385
ISBN-13 : 978-0735643383
Size : 27.85 MB


Completely reengineered for ASP.NET 4 - this definitive guide deftly illuminates the core architecture and programming features of ASP.NET 4 in a single, pragmatic volume. Web development expert Dino Esposito provides essential, architectural-level guidance, along with the in-depth technical insights designed to take you - and your solutions - to the next level. The eBook covers Dynamic Data, AJAX, Microsoft Silverlight®, ASP.NET MVC, Web forms, LINQ, and security strategies - and features extensive code samples in Microsoft Visual C#® 2010.

About the Author

Dino Esposito is a well-known ASP.NET and AJAX expert. He speaks at industry events, including DevConnections and Microsoft TechEd, contributes to MSDN® Magazine and other publications, and has written several popular Microsoft Press books, including Microsoft ASP.NET and AJAX: Architecting Web Applications.

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